Nov/12/20 11:06 Filed in:
CommunityFamilies spending more time at home due to the COVID-19 virus pandemic, the exposure from radon gas from their home environment has increased. For this reason it is important to make sure everyone's home environment is as safe as possible by testing for elevated radon.
Jan/09/20 10:32 Filed in:
CommunityThis Annual event will be held in two different communities on two different nights this year. January 15th it will be in Lake Oswego, OR and on January 22 it will be held in Vancouver, WA. For more information on these events go to: Apr/12/19 14:06 Filed in:
CommunityCascade Radon is proud to be a Bronze Level sponsor and participant (Cascade Radon Loves Lungs) in this June's Lung Love Run/Walk at Portland’s Laurelhurst Park. We support the GO2 Foundation for Lung Cancer, as they endeavor to change what it means to live with lung cancer. For further information, and to donate to the cause, please visit: Feb/05/19 08:38 Filed in:
CommunityThe 7th Annual Radon Forum Northwest was a huge success, with over 100 people in attendance. The expert panel—with representatives from EPA, the Oregon Health Authority, Portland Public Schools, Portland State University, as well as the real estate and radon professions— fielded questions from the audience following the formal presentation.
https://www.northwestradoncoalition.comJan/04/19 15:35 Filed in:
CommunityLooking for a New Year's resolution? There's no better time to test your home for radon. Learn how to protect your family in 2019. 13:48 Filed in:
CommunityCascade Radon was proud to take part in this 4th annual event, held at Laurelhurst Park. Our team members raised over $1,000 in individual contributions, to help the Lung Cancer Alliance in its medical research efforts.
Feb/01/18 04:39 Filed in:
CommunityThe 6th annual Radon Forum Northwest was a success, filling two meeting rooms at the Camas Public Library. The audience listened to presentations by experts in the fields of geology, health, radon testing, and mitigation design, as well as representatives from EPA. There was an enthusiastic Q&A session at the conclusion of the panel presentation, and several heartfelt testimonials about the dangers of radon. A number of resource tables were staffed in the entryway by the American Lung Association, Washington State Department of Health, Clark County's Planet Clark program, and others, handing out information and providing low-cost test kits to attendees. It was a great night for raising radon awareness in Clark County!
Jan/10/18 09:46 Filed in:
CommunityAll of EPA's information on radon health risks, testing, and mitigation is free. Take a look! #NationalRadonActionMonth Jan/09/18 07:03 Filed in:
CommunityJanuary is National Radon Action Month! Tell your family and friends about the health risk of radon. Jan/04/18 08:56 Filed in:
CommunityThis annual event will be held in Camas, Washington. Displays and resource tables, test kits available for purchase, and an expert panel discussion will help raise awareness about the dangers of household radon. Visit for more information. Nov/03/17 13:34 Filed in:
CommunityWe'd like to thank Becky Miner and SWAN for inviting Jim Bittner to speak at their November 2nd meeting in Salem. The large audience learned about the risks associated with radon exposure, how to test, and how to mitigate a home should elevated levels be found.
Jul/17/17 07:28 Filed in:
CommunityCascade Radon will be hosting an information booth at the Eastside Community Picnic and National Night Out event, August 1, 4:30-8:30pm, at Leroy Haagen Memorial Community Park in Vancouver. Thank you to the Fircrest Neighborhood Association for the invitation to participate!
Jul/17/17 07:26 Filed in:
CommunityLooking forward to presenting information about radon to both the Lewis & Clark Woods and Wildwood Neighborhood Associations this Wednesday night!
Jan/02/17 19:03 Filed in:
CommunityAll the best to you and yours in 2017 from all of us here at Cascade Radon.
Nov/16/16 08:50 Filed in:
OutreachBe sure to watch the (4) segments on radon which KATU’s AM Northwest show has featured this year. They are available on our website (see the “In The News” page).
Jun/21/16 13:28 Filed in:
ServiceHooray once more for our clients! Through their reviews, we’ve garnered yet another Super Service Award. Thank you! Read our reviews here
Jun/21/16 13:23 Filed in:
CommunityCascade Radon would like to thank Sue Curths for inviting Jim down to Salem to conduct a 60-minute CE course on radon for 70 real estate professionals. What a great group of people, with insightful questions and an eagerness to proactively address the concerns of their clients.
Jun/21/16 13:12 Filed in:
CommunityThere’s certainly been quite a bit of media coverage regarding both air and water quality in the Portland market the past several weeks. Cascade Radon is currently consulting with Portland Public Schools re: strategies for addressing the elevated radon levels found in a number of school buildings. We’re always eager to lend our experience and expertise to better indoor air quality, whether in a school, business, or residence.
May/12/15 17:54 Filed in:
CommunityThanks to Roger Lyngholm and the Lincoln Neighborhood Association for having our Sales Manager Jim Bittner speak at their meeting last night. They had a packed room at Latte Da Coffeehouse and Wine Bar in Vancouver, even with the rainy weather.
Feb/18/15 10:58 Filed in:
ServiceHooray for our clients! Through their reviews, we’ve garnered yet another Super Service Award. Thank you! Read our reviews here
Feb/17/15 17:06 Filed in:
RadonWelcome to our blog!